RNDr. Ivan Dvořák, CSc.
Graduated in biophysics at the Charles University in Prague (1973), studied also information and control theory at the Prague Technical University. Successfully defended his RNDr. theses in 1976 and CSc (equivalent of PhD) theses on mathematical modelling of complex biological systems at the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czechoslovak Acad. Sci. in 1981. In 2006 completed his studies of knowledge management at the Open University (Great Britain) and obtained the title PGCertKT(Open)..
Till 1985 worked in the Center of Biomathematics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and since 1986 in the Research Institute for Psychiatry, from 1990 as its scientific secretary. In 1990 – 1991 was the liaison officer of WHO at the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. From 1992 to 1996 managing director of Software602. From 1995 to 2000 in Czechoslovak Commercial Bank (ČSOB), head of Department of Investment Projects and Restructuring and, later on, of Department of Venture Capital Financing. From 2001 to 2004 in the Division of Special Engagements of Komerční Banka, at the end as the director of Restructuring Division. In 2001-2002 member of the consultancy committee of the Council of Czech Television.
In 2005 co-founded civic association Societas Rudolphina and till 2011 served as its chairman. Long time served also as chairman of the Board of VIA Foundation for Civic Society. In 2008 participated in launching Association of Knowledge Transfer Organizations and Professionals (AKTOP) and since 2009 till 2013 was serving as its chairman. Since 2011 member of the Board of ProTon Europe – pan-European association for promotion of the knowledge transfer.
Co-owner since 1994 and executive director of ILA s.r.o., where he focuses on projects concerning knowledge management, knowledge and technology transfer, and education in innovation management. Advisor of the Center for Transfer of Knowledge and Technology of the Charles University in Prague.
Member of several expert committees and boards on various levels. In 2012-2013 member of the Expert Group on Open Innovation and Technology Transfer appointed by the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation) to recommend measures for increasing effectiveness of practical utilization of results of research and development in the light of Open Innovation paradigm. Since 2013 member of Knowledge Transfer Stakeholders Forum launched within the study "Support to the development and implementation of Innovation Union commitment 21 on knowledge transfer" (IU21KT Study) realised also for the EC. Since April 2014 member of the Prague Innovation Council (Pražská Inovační Rada – PIR) founded by the Prague mayor as his advisory body for innovations and cooperation of academic institutions with industry in Prague.
Author of more than 100 scientific papers, four books and a lot of other publications in the field of biomatematics, biothermodynamics, mathematical modelling of complex systems, transfer of knowledge and technology, and inovation management. Married, two grown up daughters.